A RePast Tutorial by John T. Murphy, University of Arizona & Arizona State University (contact)


At this point the model is interesting. You can play with the number of agents, their life spans, and other parameters, and watch how these impact the distribution of wealth in the society presented.

There are, of course, many other things that could be done. For example, RePast provides functions to output data to files; these are obviously of great use. The reader who has benefited from this tutorial is directed to the RePast api for more details; the framework presented here should allow him or her to use the tools presented there to build more complicated and more useful models.

One thing you should do is add comments in JavaDoc format and generate documentation for your model. The results of this can be seen here.


The model presented here is a variation of a model presented by Tom Carter at the Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School 2003.

Special thanks to Leigh Tesfatsion for her careful review of the tutorial, which allowed me to repair several errors and make other improvements.

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A RePast Tutorial by John T. Murphy, University of Arizona & Arizona State University (contact)