A RePast Tutorial by John T. Murphy, University of Arizona & Arizona State University (contact)

Generating a Display

To get the display to appear and show us what we want to see now requires only one more step: in the 'begin' method, execute the 'display' method of the DisplaySurface object- in other words, turn the display on.


// CarryDropModel
package demo;

import java.awt.Color;

import uchicago.src.sim.engine.Schedule;
import uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit;
import uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimModelImpl;
import uchicago.src.sim.gui.DisplaySurface;
import uchicago.src.sim.gui.ColorMap;
import uchicago.src.sim.gui.Value2DDisplay;

public class CarryDropModel extends SimModelImpl {
  // Default Values
  private static final int NUMAGENTS = 100;
  private static final int WORLDXSIZE = 40;
  private static final int WORLDYSIZE = 40;
  private static final int TOTALMONEY = 1000;

  private int numAgents = NUMAGENTS;
  private int worldXSize = WORLDXSIZE;
  private int worldYSize = WORLDYSIZE;
  private int money = TOTALMONEY;

  private Schedule schedule;

  private CarryDropSpace cdSpace;

  private DisplaySurface displaySurf;

  public String getName(){
    return "Carry And Drop";

  public void setup(){
    System.out.println("Running setup");
    cdSpace = null;

    if (displaySurf != null){
    displaySurf = null;

    displaySurf = new DisplaySurface(this, "Carry Drop Model Window 1");

    registerDisplaySurface("Carry Drop Model Window 1", displaySurf);

  public void begin(){


  public void buildModel(){
    System.out.println("Running BuildModel");
    cdSpace = new CarryDropSpace(worldXSize, worldYSize);

  public void buildSchedule(){
    System.out.println("Running BuildSchedule");

  public void buildDisplay(){
    System.out.println("Running BuildDisplay");

    ColorMap map = new ColorMap();

    for(int i = 1; i<16; i++){
      map.mapColor(i, new Color((int)(i * 8 + 127), 0, 0));
    map.mapColor(0, Color.white);

    Value2DDisplay displayMoney =
        new Value2DDisplay(cdSpace.getCurrentMoneySpace(), map);

    displaySurf.addDisplayable(displayMoney, "Money");


  public Schedule getSchedule(){
    return schedule;

  public String[] getInitParam(){
    String[] initParams = { "NumAgents" , "WorldXSize", "WorldYSize", "Money" };
    return initParams;

  public int getNumAgents(){
    return numAgents;

  public void setNumAgents(int na){
    numAgents = na;

  public int getWorldXSize(){
    return worldXSize;

  public void setWorldXSize(int wxs){
    worldXSize = wxs;

  public int getWorldYSize(){
    return worldYSize;

  public void setWorldYSize(int wys){
    worldYSize = wys;

  public int getMoney() {
    return money;

  public void setMoney(int i) {
    money = i;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SimInit init = new SimInit();
    CarryDropModel model = new CarryDropModel();
    init.loadModel(model, "", false);



// CarryDropAgent
package demo;

public class CarryDropAgent {



// CarryDropSpace
package demo;

import uchicago.src.sim.space.Object2DGrid;

public class CarryDropSpace {
private Object2DGrid moneySpace;

  public CarryDropSpace(int xSize, int ySize){
    moneySpace = new Object2DGrid(xSize, ySize);

    for(int i = 0; i < xSize; i++){
      for(int j = 0; j < ySize; j++){
        moneySpace.putObjectAt(i,j,new Integer(0));

  public void spreadMoney(int money){
    // Randomly place money in moneySpace
    for(int i = 0; i < money; i++){

      // Choose coordinates
      int x = (int)(Math.random()*(moneySpace.getSizeX()));
      int y = (int)(Math.random()*(moneySpace.getSizeY()));

      // Get the value of the object at those coordinates
      int currentValue = getMoneyAt(x, y);
      // Replace the Integer object with another one with the new value
      moneySpace.putObjectAt(x,y,new Integer(currentValue + 1));

  public int getMoneyAt(int x, int y){
    int i;
    if(moneySpace.getObjectAt(x,y)!= null){
      i = ((Integer)moneySpace.getObjectAt(x,y)).intValue();
      i = 0;
    return i;

  public Object2DGrid getCurrentMoneySpace(){
    return moneySpace;


Previous: Creating a Color Map

Next: The Agent Object

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A RePast Tutorial by John T. Murphy, University of Arizona & Arizona State University (contact)